SCAD Competition Award VITA Zahnfabrik: VITA Easyshade

Unlimited shade information

Shade communication between Bad Säckingen and Tessenderlo

Le prix Larsen-Chu fondé par la Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry (SCAD) a pour objectif d'honorer et d'encourager le travail de jeunes prothésistes dentaires.  Les candidats ont préalablement dû démontrer leurs compétences pratiques et leurs connaissances devant le comité de sélection. Fin février 2016 trois gagnants de ce concours, venant des États-Unis et de Russie, ont eu l'occasion d'enrichir leurs connaissances et leurs compétences techniques.  VITA Zahnfabrik les a invités à Bad Säckingen en Allemagne pour participer à une formation de trois jours.  La formule "tout compris" a permis aux participants de se concentrer totalement sur le riche programme de la formation ponctué comme à l'accoutumée d'activités de loisirs. 

Dental shade determination with the VITA Easyshade
Dental shade determination with the VITA Easyshade

Unlimited shade information

The shade and picture information reached Luc Rutten’s computer in Tessenderlo with the push of a button. His conclusion: “In the beginning, I didn’t really believe in dental shade determination with the Easyshade. But I have to say now that the device has made my work a lot easier.” An impression in situ followed by mail, so that from the very beginning, the dental technician was actively involved in planning and carrying out the treatment plan, even though he was in Belgium and the treatment took place in Germany. This was a great advantage for everyone involved. For Rutten, intensive communication between dentists, dental technician and patients is crucial for treatment success.


VITA SYSTEM 3D-Master: “The bible of tooth shades”

The very next day, the new skills were put into practice. The basis for every detailed ceramic reproduction is the systematic determination of tooth shade, which can be donein three steps. Trainer MDT Luc Rutten explained the procees using the VITA SYSTEM 3D-Master, or what he calls “the bible of tooth shades.” He used a glass of chocolate milk as an example to his analogy to make it understandable for everyone: “Lightness is the quantity of white within a color. It has nothing to do with the actual color though. It’s like a glass of milk with chocolate in it. When I pour even more milk in the glass, the color stays brown.”

Ceramic veneering protocol

Theory of color with cocoa and red wine

In a second step, Rutten explained the determination of color intensity with a glass of red wine: “If you mix a glass of red wine with water, the saturation with color particles will be the decisive factor in terms of chroma. It has also nothing to do with the actual color. The color remains red, no matter how much water you add!” He explained that the determination of the color shade, which could be either more reddish or yellowish, took place at the very end. Finally, Rutten documented the individual effects of the patient’s tooth and made a draft for the ceramic veneering protocol.