Darius Northey (Dental Technician) shares his experience of growing up in a Lab and talks about VITA Teeth.
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Darius Northey (Dental Technician) shares his experience of growing up in a Lab and talks about VITA Teeth.
Quick overview of the digital workflow with VITA VIONIC VIGO, digital prosthetics in practice.
Tom Behaeghel (Area Sales Manager) shares his experience with Digital Dentures. Digital prosthetics with VITA VIONIC VIGO.
Get a first impression of the digital prosthetic workflow.
Dr. Michael Tholey (Head of Technical Services) and Urban Christen (Denturist). Digital denture and VITA VIONIC VIGO.
Dr. Michael Tholey (Head of Technical Services) and Claus Pukropp (Head of Category Management). Digital prosthetics with VITA VIONIC VIGO.
VITA Zahnfabrik
H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 1338
D-79704 Bad Säckingen
Phone+49 7761 562 0
Fax+49 7761 562 299