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The VITA glossary will help you.
Fissure sealing
Sealing of the then caries-free fissures which takes place shortly after the tooth eruption. Runny resin or composite materials are used to prevent the population by the oral flora.
If a tooth is only partially damaged, e.g. by caries, normally a filling will be sufficient to restore the tooth and to retain a high proportion of natural tooth substance.
Filling material
According to the indication, the following common methods are used today: amalgam fillings, adhesive acrylic fillings (composite fillings), gold inlays as well as ceramic and acrylic inlays
Functional impression
Special impression of the edentulous jaw in motion, i.e. taking the movements of the muscles and mucosa into consideration as they occur when eating and speaking and in facial expressions. An impression of what is known as the functional ridge is of particular importance, as this is critical in ensuring that the subsequent prosthesis remains fixed securely in position.
Framework try-in
Try-in of a crown, bridge or partial denture framework in order to check the fit in the mouth.
Frenulum labii/frenulum buccae
These are organs in the mouth that should especially taken into account in partial and total prosthetics. As they are flexible, they can affect the fit of the prosthesis and should therefore be spared when manufacturing the denture.