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Maryland bridge
Term used for a bridge which is glued to slightly milled anteriors. In certain cases, Maryland bridges can also be used as an alternative to the single tooth implant.
In dentistry a distinction is made between non-precious alloys (amalgam, titanium, cobalt), alloys with a low precious metal content and high gold content alloys. Gold, palladium, platinum and silver are regarded as precious metals.
Minimally-invasive restoration
A treatment concept in dentistry that aims to protect healthy tissue and tooth substance as far as possible. See for example non-prep veneers.
Positive mold of the upper and lower jaw mainly made from plaster. Usually an impression of the jaw situation is taken by means of a suitable material: subsequently the impression is filled with plaster (cf. impression).
Model cast prosthesis
Cost-saving, but esthetically unsatisfactory removable partial prosthesis that consists of a cast metal framework and one or several acrylic saddles attached to it. These denture saddles are equipped with artificial teeth in order to restore the chewing capability. Usually the model cast prosthesis is attached to the remaining dentition through clasps serving as retaining and supporting elements.