VITA's new course programme is comprehensive, diverse and tailored exactly to the needs of its customers. In addition to numerous dental training courses and product seminars, there are workshops focusing on the future, after-business events, experience events and dental trips. New themes have been included. VITA has been operating 25 venues since July 2011, bringing training right to its customers' doors.
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You can download this press release and all contained media as a .zip file.The courses address topical themes and professional user issues and show how to ensure laboratory success. The tried and trusted Basic, Advanced and Master courses are still featured. Two venues have been expanded to form the "VITA Academy": Bad Säckingen and Langen. They will focus in future on trends, with high-calibre consultants discussing selected content. The training events that everyone is familiar with at VITA – curricula, task force meetings, seminars and more – will be continued as usual and expanded further.
The design of the course programme is flexible; it is published every four months. Events may be included at short notice at customers' requests, while courses and workshops can also be conducted on site in the lab. Training courses are also conducted in collaboration with schools for master craftspeople, chambers of crafts or guilds, and with partner companies, such as Sirona and Nobel Biocare. For more information, go to, Section "Courses &