"The quality of the products I produce is important to me." Now, the correct holder for the different milling machines has to be adhered to the block. This may sound trivial to some, but even here, absolute precision is needed. The machine must be correctly adjusted for each batch.
The tray with the CAD/CAM blocks which have met strict quality standards, will now be inserted. The hissing of pneumatic cylinders and the movements of axles are now audible. A pair of grippers returns again and again to the tray where the sorted VITABLOCS are waiting and automatically picks up one block after the other. The attentive eyes of the machine operator notice every detail. The correct holder is already waiting in the socket: a precise amount of two-component adhesive is automatically applied to its composite surface. For reliable bonding, there should not be too little adhesive. Too much glue could cause unwanted overflow.
Finally, the attachment and block are brought together and then secured with a clamp until the bond has set sufficiently. A little bit too high up, a touch too much to the right or left, should not happen. Only if the holder is glued completely straight and centered with the block, can it later be precisely clamped in so that exact grinding results can be achieved in the grinding machine. The machine operator carefully checks the bonds at the end with focused concentration. Samples with shearing tests provide additional security for a smooth CAD/CAM workflow in the laboratory and dental practice.