The "VIP task force Schwaig – Focus on CAD/CAM" invited dentists and dental technicians from around Germany to a very special "Round Table Workshop". Between 12 and 16 January 2011, ideas focusing on how to ensure a successful future for surgeries and laboratories were exchanged beneath palm trees, at the water's edge and in the conference room. VITA wants to continue the huge success of this event in future.
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Вы можете загрузить это пресс-релиз и все другие медиа файлы в формате .zip.Let go, make space for fresh ideas – at an unusual place in pleasant surroundings that are inspiring enough in themself: That was the prescribed input for the workshop focusing on the future. The event was facilitated by Franz Heinloth. The sixty participants from the trade learned more about the outlook for the digital world through presentations, demonstrations and discussion panels. They wanted answers to their questions: Is it worth investing in new approaches, rethinking, adopting a different work approach? Whether digital shade measurement, oral scanners, computer-aided build and design or the use of digital photography to offer patients more service – by the end of the workshop, the participants had realized that the use of digital aids makes it easier to work accurately and encourages the creation of a defined, streamlined and faster workflow.
Dentists and dental technicians are moving closer together. Together they can delve deeper into a patient's needs, visualize them, and ultimately satisfy them. The time saved at the surgery can be used for detailed diagnostics, patient counselling and communication with technicians, and at the lab for enhancing aesthetics on the one side, and communicating with dentists and patients on the other. Alongside and after the presentations, the unique landscape of the island was explored, and the participants enjoyed a candlelight dinner on the cliffs overlooking the sea. As VITA Sales Manager Michael Brielmann said: "We would like to thank the 'VIP task force Schwaig – Focus on CAD/CAM' for its initiative. Gran Canaria gave the dentists and dental technicians new insight and provided the right backdrop for shifting the points towards the future sustainability of their operations. We want to build on this successful start in the future."
Fig. 1) Workshop participants enjoying the sun far away from their everyday lives at home.