Master Dental Technician Stephan Juckel producing a wax model

Crowns and veneers made from lithium disilicate press ceramic – always reliable, with the right tooth shade!

Find out more about the experiences of a fellow practitioner with the VITA AMBRIA press ceramic and learn why this ceramic meets his expectations of esthetics.

Press ceramics made from lithium disilicate are a real success story and have secured a permanent place in the dental laboratory. Dental technicians love the ceramic press technique because of the variety of esthetic possibilities it offers and its clear cost-effectiveness. That's true in theory; however in practice, things don't always go as well as planned. All the time and effort put into an anterior restoration for it to look too gray in the patient's mouth. The posterior crown that appears to be too bright, although the correct shade was selected. Or the frustration of the generally rather lifeless appearance of a pressed restoration. Perhaps you have experienced these or other difficulties, too. One practitioner who no longer wanted to accept these limitations is the master dental technician Stephan Juckel (Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany). Find out how, in VITA AMBRIA, he found a lithium disilicate press ceramic that meets his high esthetic expectations, and why he says: "I finally feel at home with the press technique."

Lithium disilicate press ceramic: the road to success is seldom smooth

Stephan Juckel, master dental technician, runs a dental laboratory in Neunkirchen-Vluyn near Moers, Germany. A likeable and genuine person, he says "Detail is very close to my heart". His love of detail is the reason why he became a dental technician. He loves the variety that his profession offers, and always strives for perfection. In his work, he focuses on patient-specific solutions and close collaboration with the dental surgeon.

Our work touches people's lives! That makes me happy and satisfied.

Master Dental Technician Stephan Juckel works with press ceramic

Information on the laboratory

Name & location: DentaTek Moers GmbH, Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany

Owner: Stephan Juckel, master dental technician

Key areas:

  • Hybrid dentures, all-ceramics, veneering ceramics
  • Functional-esthetic prosthetics
  • Custom restorations with intensive patient contact


  • Lithium disilicate press ceramic
  • Zirconia
  • veneering ceramics

Stephan Juckel is a big fan of press ceramic technology. What in hindsight almost began with bitterness, has now become a real stroke of luck: a modern lithium disilicate press ceramic. Stephan Juckel's initial experiences with the press technique were with press ceramics from a variety of manufacturers. "With our first attempts, we were practically doing voodoo dances around the furnace, praying that the objects would press properly", he remembers, smiling. Even the smallest changes in the process were the difference between success and failure. This unpredictability was a regular cause for frustration. Despite an effective shade system, the esthetic results were not always satisfactory. A gray sheen and, in some cases, a dull appearance – the results just weren't true to life.

I had chosen the press technique because I wanted superior esthetics – with a minimum of effort. That wasn't possible with every press ceramic.

The dental technician stuck to the task and broadened his horizons. He tested more press ceramics, weighed up different methods, and compared results. The differences in procedure were particularly noticeable. "Some systems required special laboratory equipment" – a knock-out criterion for this master dental technician. "I want to be able to work with the equipment I have (e.g., press furnace) and always get the same good results; easily and without complication."

The condition of the surface, the reaction layer on the pressed object, the accuracy of the fit and of course the photo-optical properties were all compared. "I wanted a brilliant true-to-life appearance without any grayish hue." Eventually, by coincidence, he discovered VITA AMBRIA lithium disilicate (VITA Zahnfabrik).

Master Dental Technician Stephan Juckel producing a wax model
Modeling of crowns in wax
Two dental technicians discussing VITA AMBRIA Press Ceramic
VITA embedding compound is poured into the investment ring
VITA AMBRIA Press Ceramic pellet
A press ceramic investment ring is taken out of the furnace
The restoration made of press ceramic is finalized
Dental technician inspects an anterior tooth crown made of press ceramic on the model
VITA AMBRIA Press Ceramic package and an anterior tooth crown on a model
Checking the shade fidelity of a crown made of VITA AMBRIA Press Ceramic using a shade sample

The press ceramic for dental technicians who want better outcomes.

Click here now to find out many more interesting facts, details and benefits of the brilliant VITA press ceramic.

Why the VITA AMBRIA press ceramic offers impressive esthetics

VITA AMBRIA impressed from the very first press. "We followed the working instructions and used our existing press furnace." The result was perfect. The pressed restoration surprised with incredible photo-optics; a result that matched the marketing brochure. Our first thought was that this had to be a coincidence. Yet all subsequent tests showed equally good results. Every surface was exactly the way we wanted it. "What was amazing was the almost complete absence of a reaction layer. All that was needed was a gentle once-over with glass polishing beads, that was it." Fit and shade are excellent. "It was love at first sight", says the master dental technician, thrilled.

With VITA AMBRIA, the press technique is suddenly really enjoyable again. That really was very motivating.

During the test phase, Stephan Juckel completed several restorations using VITA AMBRIA. It was soon possible to say: tested and found to be flawless. "The results were always equally good and we decided relatively quickly to introduce VITA AMBRIA to our laboratory." The switch went smoothly. An introductory training was offered, but was not necessary. Pressing worked well right from the start. The results were exemplary and met all our requirements. After two and a half months, the press ceramic had established itself as part of our daily laboratory routine. "Although I am usually critical in my evaluation of materials, I did not have anything to complain about. That might sound odd, but it's a fact."

"The biggest challenge for ceramicists is the individual front tooth; this is where VITA AMBRIA shows its strength." In these situations, the cut-back technique is used. For veneering, VITA LUMEX AC (VITA Zahnfabrik) is used. The veneering ceramic is adapted to the press ceramic so that esthetics are conveniently created that impress with their internal play of colors and natural appearance. Brightness, translucency, opalescence – it's all exactly as it should be. Monolithic restorations made from the VITA AMBRIA press ceramic can also impress with exceptional vibrancy. "Pressing, devesting, polishing, placement and that's it."

Depending on the surface texture, VITA AMBRIA restorations offer an internal vibrancy that is just beautiful – simply stunning.

And the clients of dental surgeons? Most dental surgeons noticed the change immediately; ". the new material has a very natural appearance." As a master dental technician, Stephan Juckel really appreciates this kind of feedback, which validates his decision.

Interested in more success stories?

Read the article with dental technician Thanasis Kalogeropoulos here.

Four things you should know about the VITA press ceramic

Perhaps you are also looking for a "new" press ceramic. Here are the four things you should know about the VITA AMBRIA ceramic when thinking about a change. For Stephan Juckel, the esthetic appearance of the ceramic was and is of primary importance. "Today, we no longer get upset about undesirable shade gradients, but benefit with VITA AMBRIA from brilliant results with a true-to-life appearance.", says the master dental technician. Even without layered ceramic, the result is restorations with the effect of depth. And the processing time until the final result is ready? As a master dental technician, Stephan Juckel expects the press technique to offer simple, efficient application. "Since working with VITA AMBRIA, I have more time again for other things", he says happily. The time saved is due to the well-organized process, the almost complete absence of a reaction layer, and the excellent results directly from the press furnace.

4 reasons to use the VITA AMBRIA press ceramic

  • Good results that are reproducible ensure cost-effective work. 

  • The multifaceted, warm play of colors enables an extremely natural appearance.

  • Impressive shade fidelity is possible even when space is limited.

  • The almost complete absence of a reaction layer facilitates precision and an accurate fit.

Stephan Juckel is happy to have selected the VITA press ceramic. It takes courage to begin with to be open to something new. But the courageous decision to approach things differently was a significant step forward. As a result, the dental technician has not only discovered a new press ceramic, but also learned a life lesson: "The success gave me the confidence to dare more often to question familiar things and to try new approaches."

Report: 05/2021

Photos: Alexandra Weiß

The press ceramic for dental technicians who want better outcomes.

Click here now to find out many more interesting facts, details and benefits of the brilliant VITA press ceramic.

Are you interested? Click here and find out more:

Four reasons for VITA AMBRIA

Two dental technicians with a press ceramic pellet

Press ceramic in the correct tooth shade

Checking the shade fidelity of an anterior tooth crown made of VITA Press Ceramic on the model

Experience reports from colleagues