acrylate polymer that burns out without leaving any residue for computer-aided fabrication of wax-ups and for the fabrication of drilling templates
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Please select treatment/processing step and get the corresponding product overview.
Please select treatment/processing step and get the corresponding product overview.
acrylate polymer that burns out without leaving any residue for computer-aided fabrication of wax-ups and for the fabrication of drilling templates
Recommended indications*
*) These are recommended indications; the entire range of single tooth restorations can normally be fabricated. For details, please refer to the respective working instructions of the products.
VITA CAD-Waxx blanks are transparent
Discs (Ø 98.4 mm):
Blocks (mm):
VITA offers VITA CAD-Waxx with specific holder systems for the CAD/CAM systems:
VITA offers VITA CAD-Waxx in a universal DISC geometry (Ø 98.4 mm) for the CAD/CAM system:
Note: VITA CAD-Waxx DISCs can be processed with all open CAD/CAM systems, which are suitable to mill discs with a diameter of 98.4 mm (including the circumferential groove).
*) Note: The range of VITA CAD/CAM material versions/geometries/shades available may vary for individual CAD/CAM system partners or systems. The hardware and software requirements in each case are available from the respective CAD/CAM system partners.
Declarations of conformity can only be accessed with MyVITA access. You can register for MyVITA by using the following link.
Register nowVITA Zahnfabrik
H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 1338
D-79704 Bad Säckingen
Phone+49 7761 562 0
Fax+49 7761 562 299